Jesuit Novitiate
Novitiate of the Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus

Pál Füszfás

To give all of me

I am Hungarian, born in 1995 in Budapest, first of 5 siblings.

I love cycling, also as a means of transportation. I enjoy fixing, farming and engineering works.

My parents have always been very active in parish life, where I grew up and matured in my faith. Their example of trust in the Lord has always inspired me.

When I was 13, we moved to the countryside. I began working with animals, an experience that taught me a lot about service and taking care.

After high school, I enrolled in college in agriculture, and graduated in 2018.

Every now and then, even as a child, the idea of becoming a priest would come back to my mind, but I never took it seriously. In my third year of college, for no particular reason, I began to think about how to be useful in the world. It was my way of seeking God’s will in my life, rationally. I did not succeed, I experienced my inability to define my place in the world, and just then the idea of becoming religious occurred to me. At first this desire was not very strong, but it remained constant over the years. So I began to do a year of discernment living in a Jesuit community in Budapest. I longed to be useful and to experience deep inner freedom, elements that are still fundamental for me.

I began to recognize that this all could be a sign of vocation. Then through some important experiences in prayer and life, the Lord invited me into the Society. With difficulty I accepted that as a religious I would miss some experiences in work and relationships.

By the end of that year I realized that I wanted to become a Jesuit, however, I was not ready to enter the novitiate. For a year I was a member of the volunteer community at the Jesuit’s church in Budapest. I am very grateful for this experience because for the first time I was able to give all of me, as much as I could. I was happy: I was living in a community of really good people, working together for a good purpose, studying what interested me. It was this very moment when the Lord was able to call me or rather I was finally able to answer him.

Now, in the novitiate I continue to learn, every day with joy and effort, what it means to give my whole self.

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